The Spreds Blog

Transforming crowdfunding: a collaborative approach with Ecco Nova and Spreds

— 3 minutes read

[iStock-909146214.jpg]   In the dynamic world of finance, we're thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking initiative that merges the power of two leading Belgian crowdfunding platforms: Ecco Nova and Spreds. This innovative collaboration aims to revolutionize the crowdfunding landscape, making it more inclusive and efficient by enabling new ways to raise funds and collaborate between platforms... read more

A closer look at our eGovernance tool

— 10 minutes read

In an era where efficiency, compliance, and security are at the forefront of corporate governance, Spreds is leading the way with its innovative eGovernance tool. We sat down with Charles-Albert to discuss how this cutting-edge solution is revolutionizing the way organizations operate. 1... read more

Not yet compliant with the new code? What are the consequences?

— Other — 6 minutes read

[Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 09.50.04.png] By Antoine Druetz, Partner, Alix Degrez, Counsel, and Léa Cartier, Junior Associate at EY Law On January 1st, 2020, the Law of June 27, 1921, on non-profit associations, international non-profit associations and foundations was replaced by the new companies and associations Code of March 23, 2019, (hereafter: “Code”) ... read more

Pooling vehicles

— Other — 5 minutes read

You decided to invest in a project and put some of your hard-earned money in it because you believe it could be the next unicorn giving you a nice return on investment. Great! You will probably also want the CEO in charge of the project to use his or her time wisely and to focus on creating growth and profits... read more

The ABC’s of investors’ management

— Other — 4 minutes read

“Tell me what I have to do to have you finance me.” A sentence uttered in the 1970s in California by a bearded, funnily dressed, young and naïve college drop out. The man in question was looking for the first investment in his project. Together with his partner, he planned on revolutionizing the market of personal computers... read more

Great news for entrepreneurs | New Tax Shelter provisions

— Updates — 1 minute read

Great news for entrepreneurs! As part of the economic recovery from the COVID19-pandemic and in order to provide additional support to start-ups and scale-ups in their development, the Belgian government has recently decided to double the maximum amount that can be collected under the tax shelter scheme... read more